I have these flashes where I want to write something that changes the world. I want to write things like "I don't care if you're gay, you're still human" but then I ruin it by adding things like "and as a human, you're likely an idiot." It could be cynicism (or as cynics call it, realism), but I keep wanting to say important things and then realize that it's just not my style. I can have a serious conversation with you if you'd like, but I will undoubtedly interject silly quips and whatnot. The problem is that I like serious conversations...I just like making snide comments just as much. So far, over the last week, this blog has been mostly on par with that - the real-life issues I'm having and the not-so-effective but ultimately therapeutic ways I deal with it (which is by writing...I think that's clear). So maybe I should try. I never thought of myself as a particularly tolerant person, but I also didn't think of myself as being...
From 2010: "I'm just a guy who wants to live the dream and I'm chronicling my trip to the top." In 2014: I'm living in Italy, teaching English, traveling every weekend. Not bad.