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Showing posts from 2011

More Than Music

I'm mired in a peculiar state of mind this week. The cause of it is clear to me, and I don't feel right about the whole situation. I feel very sad about the death of Amy Winehouse. I feel sadder about her death, on a personal level, than I do about the Norwegian man who killed 85 people at a youth camp. He flat-out killed 85 people in one fell swoop. That's disturbing in a way that I struggle to comprehend. It's disgusting. It's inhuman. It's beyond horrible. Of course, a lot of those people do things for the attention, so I'm not going to give him the time of day because I can't wrap my mind around it. What I can wrap my mind around is someone whose music managed to make me feel something. I've been reading some articles about Amy Winehouse's death; some have been tales of her incredible/unique talent, some have been very personal accounts from friends, and some have been simple newsy articles reporting the facts and mentioning her losi...

Holy Crap

For realzies, guys. We just had our Improv level D show tonight...and it was friggin fantastic. Sure, there was a little mishap with the timing and we didn't get our allotted 25 minutes and they actually just cut the lights before we were done, but it was still awesome. I've got great news that sprung from this: My suspicions were true...this is my drug. After our level C show a couple of months ago, I didn't feel good about myself. The show went fine but I didn't like how I performed...I didn't feel like I was focusing on the right aspects of the scenes - I wasn't creating anything interesting, I was just kinda sitting back and letting it happen around me. I was passive, and it felt stupid. But tonight, getting off stage after that was totally different. I felt like I performed well and was completely in tune with my scene partners and wasn't worried about what was going on in the crowd. It just felt amazing. I was on a huge emotional high for a f...

Fear Is Back

I don't have a lot of tangible fears. I'm not trying to be a tough guy, but I don't have legitimate phobias or anything like that. In fact, I'm not a tough guy, I just don't think I have a lot of tangible fears. But now and then one will come to mind - and it just did about eight seconds ago - for no good reason I am terrified that all my dreams will come true and I will feel more isolated than ever. If you know me really well, you might know that I dabble in depression-related thoughts now and then - you could say "light depression," not unlike "light treason." Sometimes it's actually depressing, sometimes it's looking at depressing things when I feel fine to see how I might remedy them if I'm actually down in the dumps. Point is, for myriad reasons, I have moments where I feel totally isolated, as I imagine most anyone does. But I was watching Parks and Rec a few minutes ago and thinking about how much I'd love to be on a show l...

The Winner Is...

Nobody. You're all losers. Including me, so I guess we're all losers...because there's strength in numbers. If you didn't see, I decided to let Facebook comments decide what this post would be about, which was totally idiotic because of the people I choose to associate with (love ya, friends). As such, I have a nice little reservoir of things that I could pick from. What's weird is that the one that compelled me the most was Coe (that's @number1 coe on twitter, b/c I'm going cross-platform here) saying "u cant write." I'm a sucker for a challenge, or at least a really introspective writing sesh , but I do enough of that boring crap the rest of the time, so this one'll be different. To address the other suggestions; Ryan suggesting I write about my niece was a good thought, I love her to a crazy extent, but it'd just be mushy and uninteresting (to some...I'll probably do it soon though). Hamsterdance .com played an integral part ...