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I don't really know what to say, I guess. It's been two months since I last posted and I feel like I don't even have anything good to report.
The final class session was sorta overrated: we did this goofy little runway show thing while all the parents of the "students" were in attendance. We marched around with an air of self-worth, which some of the gentlemen didn't have going into the experience. From that standpoint, it was a good thing, at least certainly for them. Granted I learned certain things during the experience, but it wasn't a matter of confidence for me; if you'd told me to walk around like that in front of people I didn't know, I would have been able to do it - I just wouldn't have been technically sound in the process.
So, again, not much interesting went on there.
After that I got the Agency Package in the mail and it included a date for my promotional photoshoot.
Blah blah blah. Day of the photo shoot:
The shoot took place in Cleveland, right off of the freeway, in a building that I had always assumed was abandoned. I was incorrect, it's an art warehouse sort of situation - it was really cool. They even had a lever-powered freight elevator that someone operated.
As is customary, I did something stupid: I left the pants I was expecting to wear at home. In my defense, my mother and I had laid out all the clothes I was going to take the night before, and for some reason she decided that all of the shirts would hang on the chin-up bar in my bedroom doorway, but the pants would lay out on a bed in a different room...behind a closed bedroom door. Come on!
So I called her when I was almost to the shoot to tell her that I kinda needed those, and she came through - arriving with the clothes about four minutes before I needed them.
the first set of photos I took were to be outside, so I stood out and waited in the relative cold for about 90 minutes...not much fun. I did get thrown in with a random girl I'd never met before - for a "relationship photo." We shook hands/introduced ourselves, then she jumped on my back. Thank god she wasn't a beefy gal.
Anyway; took a few photos inside and outside, including a fireman's outfit set of pics that were interesting, to say the least. The idea was there - to show that I have that kind of build/look to pull off the fireman outfit. So I threw on the jacket as requested, but you can clearly see my brown semi-dress shoes and jeans out of the bottom of the jacket. I don't even know what to think about the whole thing.
So I had to go in and look at the pics a few days later, took the agency's word on which photos were the most marketable, and paid a buttload of money to get them re-touched and burned to a CD. Upon completion, they were sent to me - with ownership rights - and then I had to give them to the agency so I could finally, officially, be listed on their website and whatnot.
The real kick in the pants is that all of that garbage took time. My photos were not officially in with the site until about two weeks ago, 10 days before Thanksgiving.
So. What now?
To be quite honest, right now I'm reading Jim Tressel's book, "The Winners Manual." (there's no underline option near bold and italics, that's odd) The book is more or less what I expected it to be, and it is making me desperately want to cut the crap and be somebody. Of course, that's what I've been wanting this whole time, so that's nothing new. However, so far it's very motivational in fleshing out what it is that makes me want to be a star (for lack of better words).
In case you're wondering, it's really hard to come up with ways to describe what I feel without them sounding really cliche.
I'm still hoping/planning/wanting to do a week-long trip to NYC and just wing it/try to find auditions. I've got Britni there to put me up, so that's wonderful.
I promise it won't be two months until my next post, but no one's reading this anyway, so it doesn't really matter.


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