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Vienna Christmas, part 3

This is where things get a little extra interesting. Parts 1 and 2 were tame compared to how close I came to serious bodily harm in this, part 3.

On the 26th of December we went to the zoo because we really had nothing else going on and had heard it was a nice zoo. It was pretty nice. That's about it. But we also began really hatching the plan to maybe go skiing on the 28th.

I have never skied before in my life. Despite growing up in Ohio where it gets cold and despite having brothers who skied when they were younger and despite having a friend who was a really really really good skier who I'd go watch sometimes, I never did it. I'm still not sure why. Jenna has been on a couple of ski trips but those are the only times ever. Norbert is, iduno, a really good skier who lives in Austria and goes on week-long ski trips to crazy mountains without lifts and things.

So this was a good group to get started with.

The weather turned cold on about the 25th and that meant we'd have a chance. Norbert got hold of some ski clothes and gear for us and we decided on the 27th that we'd really do this and he had a place in mind. This would be the first snow of the year so it would get very crowded by midday and it was far too late to try reserving a spot in a group lesson - particularly because they probably wouldn't have a group lesson in English.

So basically, we're gonna wing it and see what happens.

The day started innocently enough. The three of us drove down to a ski resort called Stuhleck, about 90 minutes away. Midway through the drive the snow started to pick up a bit, which I guess was good, although I wouldn't know if that's good or bad for learning to ski.

We rented the skis, popped them on near the car, and I traversed a bump in the parking lot in *actual skiing fashion* and I was really excited because we were off to a good start.

We climbed on the lift and started up, noticing the phenomenally beautiful snowflakes that seem to only form right where we were. As we reached the first chairlift-switch building, there came sudden yelps of pain from Jenna! "Ow! Ow! Ow!" and things of that nature. We quickly realized that her pole was hitting the ground, smashing her fingers against the guard-rail in our lift.

Thankfully and kind of hilariously, the pole snapped, freeing her hand before any true damage was done, other than a hell of a lot of pain. Of course, this also meant that we had not yet started skiing and were down to 5.5 ski poles for the three of us. Pros.

When we got to the top, I successfully dismounted and made a 180 degree turn down a very slight hill to start the ski slope. I was doing much better than I thought. Several minutes later I careened out of control directly at the only sign-post on the entire mountain, it seemed. Thankfully my good sense to fall came in the nick of time and I wound up about 8 inches from the post, with an uphill cross-country skier about 10 feet away, a little concerned for my health and a little annoyed at my gall. This incident was not found funny, even a little bit, by my bride to be.

Shortly thereafter we hit the steep part of the slope, and the others convinced me to not ski this part. With it being the first day of the season, only about half the slopes were open, and none of the beginner-slopes/bunny-hills were, so that stunk quite a bit and meant that I had no choice other than what you're hearing about.

Eventually we found a gently sloped area that may have actually been off-course. Here's what happened.

We had been going side by side for a minute, with Norbert down in front of us. I'd really not been doing very well, but I was relatively enjoying it and above you can see me upright - which is a position I'd been in for like 100 yards.

Now you can see me looking not as upright. Thankfully, I had my cousin taking photos to make sure I was OK and Jenna was not far behind me to come double check on me.

Nope. She opted to stand next to me and watch me struggle back to my feet. Ahh, love!

We eventually continued down the slope, me inching along not-dying, her slowly crossing the width of the slope, tightly turning, then coming back, and Norbert trying not to laugh - and I think feeling a little guilty about agreeing to all of this, as Jenna did not think it was a good idea.

Moral of the story: I had fun. And didn't get seriously hurt. And then the two of them went back up for another run which took about 1/8 the time the first one did. And then Norbert went back up for one more which took about 1/8 the time of the 2nd one. I think he goes fast?

Anyway, we had fun. Below I'll put a photo of us trying to take funny little Christmas pictures but they all turned out with me having devil eyes. Make of that what you will. Next up, a two-day jaunt to Budapest, a mere three hours from Vienna. Norbert comes for this one too.


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